This page contains an overview of the four research products by Dr. Garth Paine

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Future Perfect

[Research Sample 1]
Future Perfect is a large scale Media Opera, commissioned by Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics/Music (IRCAM), Pompidou Centre, Paris and Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (ZKM), Karlsruhe, Germany. Future Perfect premiered as the headline show in the InSonic 2018 festival at ZKM, being performed in the famous Kubus concert hall using a 56 loudspeaker ambisonic array around the audience, a large projected VR film and innovative new technologies allowing layers of the score to be performed over the audiences smartphones. The work toured Europe in 2018-19 including Germany, France, Switzerland, Norway and was performed at EMPAC in New York.

Health applications of VR nature scenes

[Research Sample 2]
"I am looking and listening – all around me – enjoying the flora and fauna at the Rio Verde, a large perennial stream running through the Tonto National Forest in Arizona. I see the bright blue sky and from time to time hear the calls of small birds passing by, making me conscious of the wide open sonic space that envelops me. I am surrounded by willows, reeds and cattails, listening to their voices: the gentle weeping of the willows and the delicate rustles of the reeds and cattails in the breeze. I am turning my attention to the murmuring river water and occasionally hear the splash of a fish jumping. I am thoroughly present in this place – until I look down and the absence of my feet from the sandy river bank reminds me that I am actually not here – I am floating in this place, but present" from Feisst, S., Paine, G,. (2019) Sonic Intimacies: The Sensory Status of Intimate Encounters in 3D-Sound Art, in H. Schulze and S. Krogh-Groth (Ed.), Handbook of Sound Art, UK: Bloomsbury
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Psychoacoustics for environmental management

[Research Sample 3]
My principle focus in directing the Acoustic Ecology Lab has been finding way to apply sound and listening to environmental management and community building. The two main projects have been the EcoSonics project with partners McDowell-Sonoran Conservancy (Parsons Foundation funding) which modeled psychoacoustic changes in sound to weather patterns and subsequently predicting climate impact from a set of audio recordings, and the development of a cheap, solar powered gunshot detection system (US patent #63/000,736) for the Phoenix Zoo to mitigate poaching of endangered species in Costa Rica.

The Conversation

[Research Sample 4]
In 2018/19 I published two articles in The Conversation seeking to broaden public engagement and impact of my research. The articles had nearly 72,000 reads as oil early May, 2020. In December 2018 I published Listening to nature: How sound can help us understand environmental change, and in mid 2019, in response to the US government issuing licenses for drone based delivery services I published Drone delivery and environmental sound.

The articles have been republishing by the Smithsonian Magazine, Slate, The Daily Beast, MIT Undark, the Daily Mail and generated broad international impact with a plethora of interview requests in Canada, Australia, Europe and the U.S..

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